
May 3, 2023 DOE ELA Testimony.pdf

April 2023 DOE ELA Testimony.pdf

NJASL 2023 Senate Budget Testimony.pdf

January 2023 SBOE Testimony President.pdf

October 2022

Testimony to the New Jersey Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee.pdf

May 2022

Letters were sent to the NJ State Board of Education from NJASL and NJLA.  NJLA's letter focused on strengthening NJ Administrative Code related to school library media services and NJASL's letter focused on QSAC implementation.


NJLA Testimony - NJ SBOE 050422

March 2022

NJASL President-Elect, Ewa Elliott presented testimony to the Assembly Budget Committee on the proposed FY2023 NJ Budget in support of funding for school libraries on Monday, March 21.  The NJ Assembly Budget testimony has been posted on the NJ Legislature website (Ewa's testimony - 1:54:07-1:57:21).  Click on the link to read the testimony that she presented.

January 2022

NJ State Librarian Jennifer Nelson sent a letter to the members of the NJ State Board of Education for their January 2022 Open Topic Public Testimony.  Her letter discussed the need for changing the language regarding school library media services in NJ Administrative Code solidifying the need for those services to be offered BY a certified school library media specialist.  This small language change would strengthen the language in NJ Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 6A:13-2.1(h) Standards Based Instruction and School Library Services) and require schools to have certified school library media specialists in all their schools.

View the letter here.

March 10, 2020

Arlen Kimmelman, NJASL’s Liaison to the Library Services and Technology Act Advisory Committee of New Jersey (LSTA) presented testimony at the Camden County College in Blackwood during a public testimony hearing on the Draft 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards.  You can read Arlen's testimony here.

March 4, 2020

NJASL Standards Chair, Gabrielle Casieri, marched forth to present testimony to Kathy Goldenberg, President of the New Jersey State Board of Education, and Sylvia Sylvia-Cioffi, Member of the New Jersey State Board of Education, during a public testimony hearing on the Draft 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards.  You can read Gab's testimony here.

February 24, 2020

NJASL President, Jill Mills, presented testimony to Andrew Mulvihill, Vice President of the New Jersey State Board of Education, during a public testimony hearing on the readoption of, and draft revisions to, the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS).  You can read that testimony here.

January 27, 2020

NJASL President-Elect and Springfield Township resident, Beth Thomas, presented the following statement at the Springfield Twp School Board Meeting about the lack of certified school library media specialists in their elementary and middle schools.

1_27 Springfield BOE meeting.pdf

January 8, 2020 - Allen McGinley, Director of the Teaneck Public Library in Bergen County and Co-Chair of the New Jersey Library Association/NJASL's Joint Task Force on School Libraries, presented public testimony before the NJ State Board of Education.

NJASL President-Elect, Beth Thomas, read the testimony of Dr. Joseph Meloche, Superintendent of Cherry Hill Public Schools and NJASL's Outstanding Administrator of the Year.

September 4, 2019 - NJ Parent, Jen Park and her son testified before the NJ State Board of Education during their open public testimony session on the value of and need for school library media specialists. 

September 4 - NJ Parent, Jen Park and her son testified before the NJ State Board of Education during their open public testimony session on the value of and need for school library media specialists.Click on the link to read the full testimony. Jen Park and son SBOE Testimony 9_4.docx.pdf

NJASL President, Jill Mills, submitted written testimony on School Libraries and Diversity and SEL


May 1, 2019 - Bonnie Lafazan, Parent and Director of the Berkeley College Library in Woodbridge testified at the open public testimony session of the NJ State Board of Education about the value of school libraries and her personal experiences with a lack of a school librarian in her Springfield Public Schools district. She is a board member of Library Link NJ, NJLA/CUS President and also, serves on the Dean’s Advisory Council to Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information. View her testimony.


January 2, 2019 - NJASL members along with NJLA Executive Director, Patricia Tumulty presented public testimony at the NJ State Board of Education.

Robin Canetti in Room LRC spoke about the need for open access to school library materials (referencing the situation in Mahwah where students are limited in their opportunity for book checkout).

Debra Gottsleben in Room A spoke about her school's participation in Library Snapshot Day at Morristown HS and the students comments about their library.

Anne Piascik in Room LRC shared her students' heartfelt comments about their school library at Morristown HS as part of the library's participation in Library Snapshot Day.

Patricia Tumulty spoke about the need for an Information Literacy Curriculum.

September 9, 2018 Public Testimony from Christina Cucci and Darby Malvey to the NJ State Board of Education presenting a letter on behalf of AASL to adopt information literacy standards. 

August 1, 2018 .Public Testimony to the NJ State Board of Education on proposed amendments to N.J.A.C. 6A:8, Standards and Assessment and how those changes will benefit school libraries. (NJASL's testimony is found on page 25)

May 2, 2018 Public Testimony on the importance of school libraries before the NJ State Board of Education.

May 2, 2018 Written Comments on the importance of school libraries submitted to the NJ Board of Education for Public Testimony.

April 9, 2018 Lisa Bakanas' testimony at the NJ Assembly Budget Hearings on Proposed Budget and the need for funding for school libraries.

January 3, 2018: Testimony before the NJ State Board of Education by Patricia Tumulty, Executive Director of the New Jersey Library Association testifies on the impact of the loss of school library media specialists

May 3, 2017: Evaluation of the Performance of School District Testimony to the NJ State Board of Education. Presented by Lisa Bakanas, NJASL President-Elect. 

February 2, 2017:  School Librarians and Digital Curation: Value Added (Essential) Service for School Communities. Presentation created by LaDawna Harrington, Mary Lewis and Pat Massey. Presented by Mary Lewis and Pat Massey to New Jersey Association of School Administrators, Curriculum & Instruction Committee.

April 18, 2016: Testimony regarding South Orange - Maplewood School District Removal of SLMS And District Strategic Plan

September 17, 2015: Bruce DuBoff, NJASL President-Elect, advocated for a re-focus on school libraries and librarians in a speech he gave during an NJ Board of Education Meeting. Read his testimony here.

January 7, 2015: Arlen Kimmelman, NJASL President, testifying at the State Board of Education meeting. Click here to read her testimony, Planning for the Future of NJ's School Libraries.

November 7, 2012: Click here to read President Amy Rominiecki's Testimony to the NJ State Board of Education titled: Professional Licensure and Board of Examiners Testimony,

March 2012: Budget Assembly Testimony by Fran King, NJASL President.

April 30, 2012: Reading Disabilities Task Force Testimony by Peg Lawlor, NJASL representative.

April 2012: Letter to Reading Disabilities Task Force from Pat Massey.

December 2011: College and Career Ready Task Force Dec. 2011 Comments. Read the Report

August 3, 2011: Testimony to the New Jersey State Board of Education on N.J.A.C. 6A:30 Evaluation and Performance of School Districts presented by Fran King, NJASL President - elect. Read the Report

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