NJASL County Presidents and AffiliatesNJASL County Liaison: Skye Silverstein (counties@njasl.org) |
Atlantic/Cape May ✪ Atlantic Cape May Co. Assoc. Of School Librarians (ACASL) Shannah Smith, Mainland Regional High School
Bergen/Passaic ✪ Emily Pieroni, President Bergen & Passaic Co. Assoc. of School Librarians (BPASL) Burlington ✪ Burlington Co. Assoc. of School Librarians (BCASL) Association Email: bcaslnj@gmail.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bcasl Website: https://sites.google.com/view/bcasl/home Camden ✪ Camden Co. Assoc. of School Librarians (CCASL) Erica Coonelly, President https://sites.google.com/view/ccasl Follow us on Twitter: @ccaslnj Essex/Hudson ✪ Essex Co. Assoc. of School Librarians (ECASL) Stefanie Freund, President Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland ✪ TriCounty Assoc. of School Librarians Theresa Wordelmann co-president wordelmannt@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us Faith Ralph co-president Website: https://sites.google.com/view/tricsl/home Facebook Group: Tri-County School Librarians Hunterdon ✪ Hunterdon County Librarians Association (HCLA)Website: http://hclibrarians.weebly.com/ Stephanie Singer, President Twitter: @HC_Librarians
Mercer ✪ Mercer County Association of School Librarians IN NEED OF AN ORGANIZER PLEASE CONTACT COUNTIES@NJASL.ORG IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. Monmouth/Ocean ✪ Lisa Lippincott, Organizer 732-706-6061 ext. 1240 Monmouth-Ocean County School Librarians Group Website Monmouth-Ocean County Membership Form
Morris ✪ Tara Collins, President Nancy Bosch, Vice President Somerset ✪ Somerset Association of School Librarians Rebecca Hovey, Organizer rhovey@scvts.net 908-526-8900 ext. 7359 Sussex/Warren ✪ Kim Reber, President 908-475-5118 Caralee Gately, Vice President Facebook: Warren and Sussex County NJ Media Specialists Union/Middlesex ✪ Union Middlesex Assoc. of School Libraries (UMASL) Terrill Middle School, Scotch Plains, NJ Lisa Krauze, Vice President Beth Willoughby, Treasurer/UMASL Membership Contact willoughbye@dunellenschools.org Website: https://umasl.weebly.com/ | Upcoming County Events
County groups are encouraged to send upcoming event information to the NJASL County Liaison (counties@njasl.org) for inclusion in the NJASL calendar. Email Casey Schaffer at bookmark@njasl.org for inclusion in the monthly Association newsletter, Bookmark. |