Advocacy Resources


The New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) is pleased to announce to its

membership and other interested individuals that a survey about school library

programs, the role of School Library Media Specialists and funding for school libraries

was sent to all candidates who were on the November 2, 2021 General Election

ballot for school boards across New Jersey.

Read the full press release.

Link to Survey

NJEA Commercial with Karen Grant

NBC News Segment Highlighting the Work and Value of School Librarians

Thank you to Iveth Mollinedo, Beth Thomas, Mary Moyer and Tricina Strong-Beebe for their participation.

Administrators on AASL Standards

Administrators Partner with School Librarians

Administrators on School Librarians Leading Collaboration

NJASL Advocacy Challenge

On the 1st Friday of every month to generate advocacy for YOUR school library, NJASL challenges school librarians to post information about their accomplishments in their school library.

Use whatever tool works best for you and your school library (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Newsletter, Webpage). Please remember to tag @NJASL and use hashtags #njasladvocacy and #njasl.

Looking forward to seeing #njasladvocacy Strong! Click on the link for Advocacy Challenge pertinent details.

American Library Association - Libraries Transform

Find free tools and resources on advocacy from

NJASL 2017 Conference Presentation: Super Charge Your Advocacy

Presentation by Angela Coxen, NJASL Legislative Subcommittee and NJEA Liaison and Mary Moyer Stubbs, NJASL Consultant

Provides examples of ways to become an advocate for your school library; click on link to view the presentation

ESSA and School Librarians 

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaces the No Child Left Behind version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act with language that includes “effective school library programs.” 

Opportunities for NJ School Library Media Specialists to Participate:

  • Title 1 Funds: Improving Basic Programs
    • SLMS can be part of the team to develop these plans emphasizing - How effective school library programs can help w


      the development of digital literacy skills and improve academic achievement.

    • PD Opportunities - funds are available for PD for SLMS
  • SLMS can be part of the Personalized Learning Experiences for students
  • SLMS can become part of the school and/or district team to design activities including Future Ready Schools Initiative

For more information check out the AASL Resources on ESSA

NJ School Library Media Specialist Certification Requirements
Document details Administrative Code Requirements, QSAC Requirements, and ESSA Guidelines for School Libraries 

NJASL Position Statements

The Role of Effective School Library Programs in The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015: A Position Statement from New Jersey Association of School Librarians, New Jersey Library Association, and LibraryLinkNJ (August 2016)

School Library and Classroom Reading Collections: Both essential to promote literacy, share common purposes and goals while providing unique scope and support for students. (2004)

School Library Media Research Studies

School Library Programs in New Jersey: Building Blocks for Realizing Student Potential with ESSA Legislation Opportunities (April 2016)

NJASL/CISSL Study--School Libraries: Now More than Ever

School Libraries: A Lesson in Student Success (2018) - A printable two-page updated version of the NJASL Infographic above.

NJASL Administrator Infographic (2021)

NJASL Infographic (2018)

AASL School Librarians Transform Learning Infographic (2014)

Roles of School Library Media Specialists

School Library Media Specialist Job Description

NJ Department of Education adopts AASL wording into NJ Student Learning Standards (May 2016)

"School Librarians are Uniquely Positioned to Enhance Student Learning,” a two-page document that illustrates how school librarians facilitate learning, is now available by clicking the title. Use it to remind stakeholders how you and your school library program can be indispensable to your school community and promote learning skills students need to achieve. The document includes quotes from recent research in over 21 state studies and an informative graphic. (August 2018)

Other Advocacy Resources

  • Librarians are also included on the checklist of Quality Educators that are needed to provide full opportunities for students. 
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