New Jersey Association of School Librarians School Library Media Specialist (K-12) Job Description
Qualifications: Holds NJ certification as a school library media specialist (SLMS). The NJ Department of Education is the agency that administers the certification regulations including the application process. See NJDOE, Certification & Instruction, Educational Services Personnel for details and procedures. Reports to: Building principal and/or other district administrator Supervises: Library paraprofessionals, parent volunteers, student library assistants, if applicable.
Terms of Employment: Ten months or according to contract
Evaluation: Performance will be evaluated in accordance with district policies Responsibilities of the School Library Media Specialist:
Program Administrator:
Establishes yearly and long-term goals for the library media program aligned with the district’s mission, goals, and objectives
Administers the library media program, developing policies and procedures to assure efficient and equitable access, operations and services
Selects, purchases and processes new materials to assure a current and balanced collection representing diverse points of view in accordance with the district materials selection policy
Conducts ongoing assessment for improvement to insure the effectiveness of the library media program
Maintains an online catalog and automated circulation system that provides access to the collection
Continuously evaluates library resources with respect to curricular needs, accuracy, diversity, and community interest, removing those that do not meet established criteria, ensuring that the collection stays current, relevant, and in good condition
Prepares and administers the library budget
Manages the staff and the physical and virtual spaces of the school library
Instructional Partner:
Collaborates and co-teaches with classroom educators to establish learning objectives and assessment strategies to develop individual and group inquiry-based learning experiences
Develops and maintains a teaching and learning environment that is collaborative, inclusive, inviting, flexible and conducive to learning
Participates in cross-content curriculum writing and implementation committees
Assists instructional staff in the selection, evaluation, and use of resources, in a variety of formats
Empowers all members of the learning community to become critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, curators, and ethical users of information
Provides group and individual instruction that addresses multiple literacies, including information literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, and technological literacy
Enables learners to seek knowledge, create new knowledge, and make real-world connections for lifelong learning
Encourages learners’ exploration and innovation at all levels in all curricular areas and in areas of personal interest through instruction and collection development
Performs regular assessment of student learning to ensure the program is meeting its goals, and empowers learners to assess their own work and the work of their peers
Promotes reading as a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment
Models an inquiry-based and collaborative approach to learning and the information search process
Information Specialist:
Curates, maintains, and disseminates customized collections of print and online materials aligned with individual, building-level, and district-wide goals, and provides guides to assist with access
Champions equity, access, and intellectual freedom for users within the physical space and beyond, and provides access to resources 24/7
Models digital citizenship, safety, and adherence to copyright and fair use requirements
Evaluates, introduces, and inspires the use of emerging technologies as tools to supplement school resources for the learning community
Continuously engages in professional learning to support program improvement
Participates in local, state, and national professional organizations
Addresses educational issues with other educators in the building, at the district level, and at the professional association level
Serves as an active member of decision-making teams in the school and district
Fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation to empower teachers and learners
Leads professional development to broaden understanding of the skills that comprise success in lifelong learning (e.g. critical thinking, reading, information literacy, digital citizenship, technology)
Adapted from the AASL National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries (2018)
April 24, 2021