
The New Jersey Association of School Librarians actively supports strong school library programs. NJASL works throughout the state to advocate for regulations and funding to require all schools to have credentialed School Library Media Specialists who possess the competencies needed to deliver effective school library media programs. Our students’ futures depend on it.

We encourage all school library supporters to speak out for school libraries! For more information or support, please reach out to Tricina Strong-Beebe, Advocacy Chair

What NJASL Does

  • Initiate legislative actions and recommend language in legislation about school libraries by working with legislators and their staff
  • Maintain strong relationships with other state education organizations and stakeholders,
  • Educate members of the education community about advocacy efforts and strategies.

How you can be an advocate for School Libraries:

REPORT NJASL needs your help! If you know of a New Jersey school system lacking a certified School Library Media Specialist or a librarian that is planning to retire in the near future, please fill out this form.  Library Media Specialist Position Reporting Tool

Not sure what constitutes a "certified" school librarian? click here

SHARE information about how effective school library programs positively impact student achievement with school administrators and board members. 

APPLY the results of the NJ Study of School Libraries to inform and educate state and local policy makers, parents, teachers, and other members of your school community about the positive impact well-funded, well-staffed school library programs have on student achievement. 

POST on your library's web site facts about how your library program helps students.

ASK decision makers to support funding for effective school library programs staffed by certified SLMS.

COMMUNICATE Why certified librarians are an asset in our public schools:

creative commons noncommercial noderivatives

USE #theother160days to:

  • Thank you for helping us get the word out that #NJ #school #librarians benefit students' #infolit #theother160days
  • Use #theother160days to share #NJ #school #library success stories beyond library-as-computer-lab.
  • Use #theother160days to share #NJ #school #library stories about successful #infolit initiatives!
  • Use #theother160days to tell everyone what #school #librarians in #NJ do for #infolit when students aren't testing!

NJASL Position Statements

Public and School Libraries Fact Sheet: Statement created by NJLA and NJASL

The Role of Effective School Library Programs in The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015: A Position Statement from New Jersey Association of School Librarians, New Jersey Library Association, and LibraryLinkNJ (August 2016)

NJASL Position Statement on the Evaluation of School Library Media Specialists

School Library and Classroom Reading Collections: Both essential to promote literacy, share common purposes and goals while providing unique scope and support for students. (2004)

School Library Media Research Studies

School Library Programs in New Jersey: Building Blocks for Realizing Student Potential with ESSA Legislation Opportunities (April 2016)

NJASL/CISSL Study: School Libraries: Now More than Ever

NJEA's School Library Media Specialist Commercials

Iveth Mollinedo (English)

Iveth Mollinedo (Spanish)

Dee Venuto

School Library Media Infographics


AASL School Librarians Transform Learning Infographic (2014)

Roles of School Library Media Specialists

NJ Department of Education adopts AASL wording into NJ Student Learning Standards (May 2016)

School Librarians are Uniquely Positioned to Enhance Student Learning, a two-page document that indicates how school librarians are best positioned to integrate the Common Core Standards, is now available by clicking the above header. Review and share the document that includes quotes from recent research in over 21 state studies. Remind stakeholders how you and your school library program can be indispensable to your school community and promote the skills students need to become independent learners. 


Whom can I contact to learn more?

NJASL Legislative Chairperson, Mary Moyer,

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