Standing Committees
Chair -Tricina Beebe
This committee will work with the Legislative Consultant to identify ways to promote school librarianship, push for legislation, and respond to job threats.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Continue to promote NJASL Advocacy and school media specialists, via communication streams, to make our work more visible to the public and stakeholders.
- Share via Public Relations Committees the many ways NJASL Advocacy has already impacted job losses across the state.
- Work with Public Relations, Professional Outreach Committee, AASL State-Level Leader, and Legislative Consultant to develop a standard presentation featuring importance of school librarians and exemplary library programs that can be shared at stakeholder meetings.
- Coordinate with Public Relations Social Media subcommittee to identify opportunities to promote library programs.
- Work with the Vice-President, Legislative Representative, Professional Outreach Chair, Every Library and NJLA Liaison to complete NJASL’s Advocacy Toolkit and develop a streamlined response to job loss reports.
- Coordinate with Webmaster to publish the Advocacy Toolkit and feature Advocacy initiatives and successes.
Advocacy Subcommittee: Legislative
This subcommittee will keep members informed about state and national judicial and regulatory legislation pertinent to the interests of the Association or its members within the limits imposed on 501(c) 3 organizations. This subcommittee will work closely with the Legislative Consultant to provide information to the NJASL Board and members.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Advocacy Subcommittee: Professional Outreach
Andrea Caporale
This subcommittee will establish and maintain contact with New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association (NJPSA), New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA), New Jersey Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NJASCD), the New Jersey School Board Association (NJSBA), New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE), New Jersey Council of Community Colleges (NJCCC), Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC), National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), Parent Teacher associations around the state and other educational groups. This committee will also maintain contact with colleges and universities to ascertain their integration of school library media programs into their pre-service teacher education training.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Leverage partnerships with affiliate groups (AASL, ISTE, AECT, NJEA, NJDOE, NJLA) to strengthen current NJASL advocacy. Prepare introductory template to initiate new relationships.
Attend NJEA Annual Convention to network with other stakeholder groups.
Help to promote the AASL and New Jersey Student Learning Standards to members and stakeholders.
If necessary, serve on an ad-hoc committee, along with the Past President and the Professional Development Chair to cultivate relationships that will secure new meeting spaces for Board meetings and Trainings.
Work with the Advocacy Team, Public Relations, AASL State-Level Leader, and Legislative Consultant to develop a standard presentation featuring importance of school librarians and exemplary library programs that can be shared at stakeholder meetings.
Work with the Vice-President, Advocacy committee, Legislative Representative, and NJLA Liaison to complete NJASL’s Advocacy Toolkit and develop a streamlined response to job loss reports.
Serve as State-Level Leader to AASL’s School Leader Collaborative (two-year initiative). In this role the State-Level Leader, as defined by AASL, will serve as a point of contact to initiate activities developed by the AASL School Leader Collaborative.
- Distribute resources the group creates.
- Identify school librarians in the state to present at state or regional school administrator conferences and develop a state-level school leader collaborative.
Advocacy subcommittee: Rapid Response Team
Amy Penwell
This subcommittee will advocate for strong school library programs and protection of intellectual freedom for K-12 students throughout the state. Activities of the subcommittee include supporting librarians facing resource material challenges, creating public information campaigns to educate and inform stakeholders and the public about the state of school libraries, and defending a student’s fundamental right to read as protected by ALA’s Bill of Rights. The RRT team strives to build a coalition with like minded individuals and groups to actively build partnerships with the larger library community. This is a partnership between NJASL and NJLA and will serve K-12 students and educators at the local, regional and state levels.
Communications Committee
Chair - Pat Massey
This committee coordinates with other committees, subcommittees, and the Legislative Consultant to promote the awareness of school library programs through internal and external communication and publications.
- As board meetings remain online during the pandemic, schedule regular meetings with your committee members between board meetings.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work with the Credentials Chair to draft an official NJASL response to DOE’s administrative code for certification. Contribute a voice to develop a statewide SLMS job description.
Work with Advocacy, Professional Outreach Committee, AASL State-Level Leader, and Legislative Consultant to develop a standard presentation featuring importance of school librarians and exemplary library programs that can be shared at stakeholder meetings.
Communicate with Awards Chair to publicize upcoming NJASL award opportunities and winners each year.
Communications subcommittee - Electronic Discussion List
Jill Mills
This subcommittee will maintain electronic discussion lists for the general membership, the Board of Trustees, and for the Executive Board. These electronic discussion lists are for discussions relevant to NJASL and for topics relevant to the profession.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Maintain instructions for joining NJASL Google Group. Post FAQs on website and share via communication streams
(Bookmark, social media, etc.)
Work with Membership Chair to ensure that only members have access to listserv and Bookmark and archives.
Communications subcommittee: GAFO Administrator
Jill Mills
This subcommittee will set up and maintain all GAFO accounts.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Ensure all GAFO accounts are set up, and create a database of users.
Post FAQs on website and share via communication streams (Bookmark, social media, etc).
Work with Membership Chair to ensure that only members have access to GAFO Group and bookmark and archives.
Periodically review levels of administrative access to website.
Communications subcommittee - Newsletter
Emily Dzuback
This subcommittee, headed by the Editor and/or Publisher, will prepare a monthly publication, the Bookmark for the Association.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Work with committee chairs to provide information for members and weave advocacy topics into every issue.
- Review Bookmark data to target opportunities for growth.
- Include membership articles, showing value of added membership, in each issue of Bookmark (ex. board and/or member spotlight feature)
- Work with the Webmaster and County Liaison to communicate county information to and from counties.
- Work with AASL, ISTE, AECT affiliate reps to share Bookmark content with these other publications, in print or online.
- Review website to maintain a strict Members Only section to archived Bookmark publications.
- Review all branded NJASL documents and online communication to ensure updated branded logo and uniform appearance.
Communications subcommittee - Social Media
Geralyn Westervelt, Chair (Amy Popp) (Jen Latimer) (Steve Tetreault)
This subcommittee will actively participate in forming and carrying out a social media strategy for NJASL.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Develop a schedule of social media communication for 3, 6, 9, 12 months. Include opportunities and events for all participation (Love a Legislator, School Library Month).
- Leverage social media team to continue monthly advocacy challenges to boost job advocacy.
- Work closely with Membership Chair to develop a marketing strategy/social media campaign to target membership.
- Work with committee chairs to promote their committee work through social media. Promote a clear communication of how committees should bring announcements to the team.
- Review all branded NJASL documents and online communication to ensure updated branded logo and uniform appearance.
Communications subcommittee - Website
Jill Mills
The Webmaster will chair this subcommittee and maintain the NJASL website. The subcommittee will post publications, the Board of Trustees minutes and all other information deemed appropriate by the Board on the website. The Webmaster will also be responsible for reporting election results to the Nominations and Election Committee Chair.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Request and edit monthly updates for all pages of NJASL website that pertain to each position, committee, affiliate, etc.
Request Executive board members to update their pictures and biographies.
Work with the County Affiliate and Bookmark Editor to communicate county information to and from counties.
Update the webpage and include board biographies and updated contact information (with email) for all board members, committee members, county presidents, and affiliates.
Streamline website content and presentation. Ensure updated appearance is uniform and inline with NJASL branding.
Finance Committee
Chair- April Barry
This committee will annually review the operating budget, including the actual surplus funds and the anticipated expenditures, for the purpose of making investment recommendations to the Board. This committee will meet a minimum of two times each year, and will consult with a financial advisor at least once a year, or more often if needed, to review investments and investment strategies. The Treasurer of the Association will chair the committee and the President or the President’s designee will be part of the committee.
Membership Committee
Chair - Nancy Meglio, Joyce Soto, Allison Pichowicz
The Membership committee provides communications to current and prospective members; and works
with a variety of contacts including the Membership subcommittees, the NJASL committees and the
NJASL board to promote membership in the Association.
The Standard Operating Procedure for Membership provides additional information as to the
responsibilities of Membership. Review and update Standard Operating Procedure for Membership on
an as needed basis.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications on a regular basis.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Google Shared Drive for all NJASL related work.
- Utilize the official database of all members of the Association on a regular basis (Wild Apricot)
- Approve new and renewing members; update reminder notices on an as needed basis.
- Run database reports; work with the NJASL Administrator to maintain a list of members
- Notify New Member Orientation and Mentoring should any member require mentoring.
Membership subcommittee - County Affiliates Liaison
Skye Silverstein
This subcommittee will assist the development of local associations in unorganized areas, promote membership in the state organization, inform local associations on a regular basis regarding actions of the NJASL Board of Trustees, assist local associations in planning programs and workshops, and regularly forward county news to the Newsletter Editor.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Work with the Webmaster and Bookmark Editor to communicate County information to and from counties. Post county meeting dates on the website.
- Communicate with PD Chair to develop regional and remote professional development opportunities and promote those to county groups.
- Work with the Awards chair to promote NJASL Awards to the county Groups.
- Work with the Membership chair to promote NJASL membership.
- Invite county representatives and emerging leaders to board meetings.
- Work with the Nomination committee to bring new candidates to the board.
- Coordinate with Standing Conference Committee to create an Engagement Event at the annual Conference.
Membership subcommittee - Credentials
Michelle McGreivey
This subcommittee will coordinate with the Membership Committee, Student Affiliate, and collaborate with the NJDOE staff and the County Affiliates Liaison to provide orientation and mentoring programs for the new school library media specialists.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Share Orientation materials with new members.
- Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to bring new members to volunteer opportunities within NJASL.
- Coordinate with Student Affiliate to get students and new librarians involved and to gain input from students and new librarians on what they want or need from a mentor relationship.
Membership subcommittee - District Recruiter
The focus of this subcommittee will be to build partnerships with school districts by connecting with administrators to introduce NJASL and the support the organization can bring to their school libraries and school librarians. In addition, it will be the job of the district recruiter to identify districts with few or no librarians and promote the necessity of school librarians.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure (this will be developed in 2020-2021, as this position is new this year).
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work with the Legislative Consultant to identify districts in need of school librarians and point of contact.
Partner with Advocacy subcommittee to utilize advocacy toolkit to share advocacy resources with district administrators.
Connect with Membership chair to identify members of each district that will be contacted. Reach out to those members to notify them of administration correspondence and offer continued support.
Membership subcommittee - New Member Orientation and Mentoring
MaryJane McNally
This subcommittee will coordinate with the Membership Committee, Student Affiliate, and collaborate with the NJDOE staff and the County Affiliates Liaison to provide orientation and mentoring programs for new school library media specialists.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Share Orientation materials with new members.
Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to bring new members to volunteer opportunities within NJASL.
Coordinate with Student Affiliate to get students and new librarians involved and to gain input from students and new librarians on what they want or need from a mentor relationship.
Membership subcommittee - NJASL-R
Leslie Blatt
This subcommittee will promote continued membership in NJASL among retired professionals, assist in planning programs and workshops, and may represent NJASL at official functions.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work with the Membership Chair to promote and increase NJASL Membership and identify new retirees.
Find volunteer opportunities for retirees to participate in NJASL, beyond Fall Conference.
Work with Awards Chair to review documentation of past award recipients. Prepare a complete list to be featured on the website.
Membership subcommittee -Non-Public School Liaison
This subcommittee will promote NJASL membership among charter, private and independent school library media specialists.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Submit updates to the Bookmark Editor to communicate information for private schools.
Connect with the Awards Chair to promote NJASL Awards to the private schools.
Work with the Membership Chair to promote NJASL membership.
Membership subcommittee - Student Affiliate
Peter Shaughnessy
This subcommittee will work with student groups to increase awareness of and promote membership in NJASL.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work with Membership Chair to connect with student affiliate groups at state universities to promote membership.
Coordinate with New Member Chair to connect with new members and library students to share value of membership and gain input from students on mentor relationships.
Work with Volunteer Coordinator to connect with new members and library students to share value of membership, encourage involvement, and provide incentives for joining a committee. Identify volunteer opportunities and promote those to students.
Organize a social get together for student members at NJASL Fall Conference.
Collaborate with Professional Development Committee to develop a workshop on job searching and general interview tips.
Work with Awards Chair to promote awards to student members.
Membership subcommittee - Volunteers
Beth Thomas
This subcommittee will work with members who have reached out for meaningful work with NJASL. Matching committee opportunities with membership interests will be the goal of this position.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Connect with other Committee Chairs to identify needs for member support.
Work with the Registrar to identify members looking to volunteer with NJASL in various capacities.
Coordinate with Student Affiliate, Members-at-Large, and Membership Chair to develop a pipeline to gather volunteer data and assign new volunteers to committees conducting meaningful work in the association.
Nominations and Election Committee
Chair - Beth Raff
The President will appoint a Nominations and Election Committee of at least five members that includes the Immediate Past President who will serve as chair. This committee will, when possible, nominate two active members for each office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer in even years, and for each Member-at-Large to be elected. The committee will also nominate an AASL Affiliate Assembly Representative as set forth in Article XIII, Section 3 A. of the Bylaws, and an ISTE Affiliate Liaison as set forth in Article XIII, Section 3 D. of the Bylaws. The committee will also solicit suggestions for nominations from the entire membership. When the committee cannot nominate two members for an office, it may submit a slate of one nominee for that office. The report of the Nominations and Election Committee will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval by February 28.
This committee will prepare the ballots for posting online to the NJASL website. They will receive the final count from the Webmaster, and will notify the candidates, the current President and the President-elect of the election results.
1. Ballots.
a. A ballot will be available to each member on or before March 15. The Chair of the committee must receive completed ballots no
later than April 15.
b. Each ballot will clearly provide space for names of additional members of the Association to be written in for each Officer and
Member-at-Large to be elected.
2. Election.
a. The candidate who receives the most votes to an office will be elected.
b. The committee will forward the results to the President, the President-elect, and the candidates as soon as completed, and
announce them on the web page and in the next newsletter.
Professional Development and Resources Committee (PDR)
Steve Tetreault and Maria Colish (Co-Chairs)
This committee will propose and, at the direction of the Board, develop resources designed to increase the capacity of NJASL members to provide additional library media services. The committee will anticipate and respond to educational directives and initiatives by preparing and publishing relevant materials for dissemination to the membership and other appropriate groups.
As board meetings remain online during the pandemic, schedule regular meetings with your committee members between board meetings.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work on ad-hoc committee, including Past President, incoming Member-at-Large, and Membership Co-Chair to develop training materials for new board members.
Develop a schedule of PD communication for 3, 6, 9, 12 months (including both face to face and virtual opportunities).
Using member responses for PD wants and needs, create PD opportunities, beyond Fall Conference, (ex. live and on-demand webinars) to increase value to members. Consider regional and remote events.
If necessary, serve on an ad-hoc committee, along with the Past President and the Professional Outreach Chair to cultivate relationships that will secure new meeting spaces for Board meetings and Trainings.
Coordinate with Standards Chair to develop and share training.
Communicate with County Affiliate Chair to promote upcoming PD opportunities to county groups.
Work with Affiliate reps to explore professional development offerings from NJEA, AASL, ISTE, and AECT
Work with the Bookmark editor to provide PD resources/news to members.
Provide input to Members-at-Large for Spring Association Meeting to determine upcoming trends in PD and best practices.
Work closely with Awards Chair to ensure that all awards winners turnkey their award opportunity into professional development for NJASL.
PDR subcommittee - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Ellen Pozzi
This subcommittee will investigate the equity, diversity, and inclusion concerns of urban, suburban, and rural school library media specialists and their library media centers. It will promote the establishment of library media centers in all schools and develop programs focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion as well as issues unique to urban schools in ordeto assist school library media specialists. It will also work to recruit librarians from marginalized communities and create welcoming spaces in the organization for all librarians. The subcommittee will keep the NJASL Board of Trustees apprised of the issues and concerns and their proposed solutions.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Work with the Bookmark editor to provide PD resources/news that will be of interest to diverse library members.
- Work with the Standing Conference committee to ensure diverse libraries are represented at the conference.
- Work with the PD Chairs to develop PD opportunities outside the annual conference to serve all libraries.
- Work with the membership committee to promote membership to all librarians. To ensure our organization is inclusive and reflective of the diversity of librarians statewide.
- Ensure resources are highlighted and promoted on the website.
- Continue to strengthen our partnerships with AECT, ALA, AASL, ISTE, NJEA, DOE, NJLA to create opportunities for collaboration on advocacy projects for urban libraries.
PDR subcommittee - Intellectual Freedom
Amy Penwell and Tara Cooper Weiss
This subcommittee will serve as a liaison between the Association and the Intellectual Freedom Committees of other groups (e.g. NJLA, ALA, etc.). The subcommittee will educate members and the public about the importance of intellectual freedom and provide support to school library media specialists facing a challenge.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work with the Bookmark Editor to provide articles and resources to share with members.
Communicate with the IF subcommittees at our affiliates to create opportunities for collaboration on advocacy projects pertaining to IF.
Work with the Awards chair to seek nominations for the NJASL IF award.
PDR subcommittee - SLMS Evaluation
This subcommittee will keep abreast of local, state and national initiatives to evaluate school library media specialists by maintaining relationships with the NJDOE and AASL, among other entities, and will disseminate information to the school library media specialists of New Jersey.
PDR subcommittee - Standards
Gabrielle Casieri
This subcommittee will maintain communications with our national affiliates to promote and provide training for the implementation and the integration of national standards with state and local curriculum standards.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- When new AASL and New Jersey Student Learning Standards are released, work with the AASL Affiliate, State-Level Leader and NJ DOE to promote them.
- When new AASL and New Jersey Student Learning Standards are released, offer curriculum sessions at Conference and other PD outlets.
- Review curriculum samples collected by Members-at-Large to ensure they adhere to AASL and New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
Scholarships, Awards and Special Programs Committee (SASP)
Chair - Karen Brill
This committee will oversee the selection of recipients for awards and scholarships designated by the Board of Trustees. This committee will also initiate communication with our affiliates, other organizations, and companies to arrange additional awards. This committee will work with the Conference Committee, the Spring Membership Meeting chair, and the Author/Illustrator Chair to coordinate the presentation of awards.
- As board meetings remain online during the pandemic, schedule regular meetings with your committee members between board meetings.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Serve on nomination committee.
- Lead an ad-hoc committee, including a Standing Conference Committee member and Past-President, to review and revise current award applications and to develop digital applications for each award.
- Work with the Webmaster to ensure that award applications on the NJASL website are up-to-date.
- Consult with the following Committee Chairs for awards:
- AECT Affiliate (Villy Award)
- Author/Illustrator Committee (Author/Illustrator of the Year)
- Intellectual Freedom Chair (IF Award)
- ISTE Affiliate (ISTE Make “IT” Happen)
- Student Affiliate (Future Leader)
- Work with the Social Media committee to promote award information to members.
- Work closely with PD Chair to ensure that all award winners turnkey their award opportunity into professional development for NJASL.
- Work with the County Affiliates Liaison to promote awards at the County level.
- Review all awards documentation to ensure NJASL branding is updated and has correct address.
- Work with NJASL-R Chair and Membership Chair to review documentation of past recipients of awards, lifetime membership, and honorary members of NJASL. Prepare a complete list to be featured on the website.
- Work with President to send award recognition letters to award recipients’ BOE members and administrators.
SASP Subcommittee Author/Illustrator
This subcommittee will coordinate the participation, placement, schedule and set-up of an Authors' & Illustrators' Alley with the Conference Chair; communicate author and illustrator participation in NJASL events or other events of interest to NJASL members via online publications; create and nurture relationships with NJ authors and illustrators; solicit and arrange author and illustrator submissions for inclusion in the NJASL newsletter; curate a list local authors and illustrators for school visit to share with membership. This committee will work with the Conference Committee, the Spring Membership Meeting chair, and the Scholarship and Awards Chair to coordinate the presentation of awards.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Work with the Bookmark editor to provide Authors for articles and make the newsletter valuable to members.
Promote Associate Membership to Authors and Illustrators to increase memberships.
Work with the Awards chair to select the Author/Illustrator of the year award.
SASP Subcommittee - Battle of the Books
Karen Doherty
This subcommittee prepares and distributes information to schools organizing a Battle of the Books competition.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with the Bookmark editor to promote BOB in the Bookmark.
Work with the Social Media chair to promote BOB via social media.
Maintain a strict Members Only section for Battle of the Books content.
SASP Subcommittee - Enthusiastic Reader
Karen Brill and Leslie Blatt
This subcommittee prepares and distributes information to school and public libraries to select recipients of the Enthusiastic Reader Award.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with Bookmark editor and social media committee to promote the program.
Explore ways to promote this award outside of the annual conference.
Standing Conference Committee
Jill Mills
On an ongoing basis, this committee will examine current practices, review the conference manual, and will implement procedures to streamline the conference process in order to aid and support the annual conference chair. The committee will investigate potential conference sites and reserve conference dates. The annual conference chair will serve on this standing committee to facilitate communication.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Increase sponsorship for NJASL Fall Conference.
Work on ad-hoc committee, including Awards Chair and Past-President, to review and revise current award applications and to develop digital applications for each award.
Work on ad-hoc committee with President-Elect and Treasurer to compare data on recent conferences to prepare a Fall Conference strategy, looking at time of year, days of the week, number of days, and venue that to determine how the conference can best serve our members and help secure our financial stability.
Review delivery of conference information, including apps, platform, and program.
American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Affiliate Assembly
Steve Tetreault
This representative along with the current President will serve as liaison and official NJASL representative to the AASL Chapter exclusively for educational purposes. He/she will represent the interests of NJASL to the leadership of AASL. This representative must be a personal member of AASL and must have previous experience as a delegate to the Chapter Assembly regulations. He/she will write a monthly column on AASL and Chapter Assembly and keep NJASL members aware of and connected to actions and issues as disseminated by AASL and /or ALA through regular postings on the Electronic Discussion List.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Continue to strengthen our partnerships with AECT, ALA, AASL, ISTE, NJEA, DOE, NJLA to create opportunities for collaboration on advocacy projects.
- Promote the AASL standards to members and stakeholders.
- Work with the Bookmark editor and Social Media Chair to provide articles on AASL.
- Work with PD Chair to explore professional development offerings
- Provide input to Members-at-Large for Spring Association Meeting to determine upcoming trends in PD and best practices.
AASL State-Level Leader
Andrea Caporale
Serve as State-Level Leader to AASL’s School Leader Collaborative (two-year initiative). In this role the State-Level Leader, as defined by AASL, will serve as a point of contact to initiate activities developed by the AASL School Leader Collaborative.
Distribute resources the group creates.
Identify school librarians in the state to present at state or regional school administrator conferences and develop a state-level school leader collaborative.
Work with Advocacy Committee, Public Relations Professional Outreach Committee, and Legislative Consultant to develop a standard presentation featuring importance of school librarians and exemplary library programs that can be shared at stakeholder meetings.
Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Leslie Blatt
This representative along with the current President will serve as a liaison and official NJASL representative to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology exclusively for educational purposes. The AECT representative will provide the leadership and membership of NJASL with information about AECT and will represent the interests of NJASL to the leadership of AECT. The AECT representative must be an active personal member of AECT.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Continue to strengthen our partnerships with AECT, ALA, AASL, ISTE, NJEA, DOE, NJLA to create opportunities for collaboration on advocacy projects.
Work with the Social Media Chair and Bookmark editor to provide articles on AECT.
Work with the Awards chair to promote the Villy Award Scholarship and help select recipient.
Work with PD Chair to explore professional development offerings
Provide input to Members-at-Large for Spring Association Meeting to determine upcoming trends in PD and best practices.
New Jersey Education Association (NJEA)
Angela Crockett Coxen
This representative will serve as liaison and official representative to the New Jersey Education Association and will provide information about NJEA and its programs and serve as an advocate of NJASL to NJEA. This representative will also work with the Program Committee to provide NJASL programs and joint NJASL/NJEA programs for NJEA educational conferences and workshops.
- Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
- Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
- Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
- Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
- Continue to strengthen our partnerships with AECT, ALA, AASL, ISTE, NJEA, DOE, NJLA to create opportunities for collaboration on advocacy projects.
- Work with the Social Media Chair and Bookmark editor to provide articles on NJEA.
- Update and inform the members of education-related legislation as information is provided by NJEA.
- Work with PD Chair to explore professional development offerings
- Provide input to Members-at-Large for Spring Association Meeting to determine upcoming trends in PD and best practices.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Affiliate
Arielle Goldstein
This representative will serve as the Corporation delegate and official NJASL representative to the International Society for Technology in Education exclusively for educational purposes. He/she will represent the interests of NJASL to the leadership of ISTE. This representative must be a personal member of ISTE. He/she will write a monthly column on ISTE and our affiliation for the NJASL Bookmark newsletter and keep NJASL members aware of and connected to actions and issues as disseminated by ISTE through regular postings on the NJASL Electronic Discussion List.
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Continue to strengthen our partnerships with AECT, ALA, AASL, ISTE, NJEA, DOE, NJLA to create opportunities for collaboration on advocacy projects.
Work with the Social Media Chair and Bookmark editor to provide articles on ISTE.
Work with the Awards chair to nominate the ISTE Make it Happen Award.
Work with PD Chair to explore professional development offerings
Provide input to Members-at-Large for Spring Association Meeting to determine upcoming trends in PD and best practices.
LibraryLinkNJ (LLNJ)
Ralph Bingham
The liaison will establish communications between LibraryLinkNJ and the Corporation, and will report to the Board matters of interest and value to library media specialists. The liaison will maintain contact with the State Library.
Library Services and Technology Act Advisory Committee of New Jersey (LSTA)
Lisa Bakanas
The liaison will represent New Jersey school libraries upon approval of their nominations by the State Librarian. The liaison[s] will keep NJASL apprised of developments on the committee and of the need to file new nomination applications. According to the nomination form, “The committee advises the State Librarian and the staff of the Library Development Bureau on the development and evaluation of the five year LSTA state plan; establishment of the annual grant criteria, priorities, and categories and evaluation of activities funded through the LSTA program.”
New Jersey Center for the Book
Phyllis Anker
The liaison will provide information about the NJ Center for the Book and its programs to NJASL and represent the interests of NJASL to the NJ Center for the Book.
New Jersey Department of Education
The liaison will serve as a source of information about the State Department of Education and as an advocate of school libraries and school librarians in the State Department of Education.
New Jersey Library Association (NJLA)
Darby Malvey
The liaison will provide information about NJLA and its programs and foster the relationship to help preserve school library jobs in NJ. The liaison will contribute a voice to an advocacy toolkit to prevent job loss. The liaison will also work with the Conference Committee to provide joint programs at NJLA and NJASL conferences.
New Jersey Literacy Association
The liaison will provide information about NJL(it)A and its programs and suggest ways in which NJL(it)A and NJASL can collaborate.
New Jersey State Library
Sharon Rawlins
The liaison will provide information about NJSL and its programs and suggests ways in which NJSL and NJASL can collaborate. The liaison also works to provide programs at NJASL conferences.
Legislative Consultant
Mary Moyer Stubbs
Review and, if needed, update your position’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Utilize your NJASL email account for any NJASL-related communications.
Utilize your committee’s folder in the Shared Drive for any NJASL-related work.
Work with social media to promote your committee’s work.
Continue to report on activities of interest to NJASL from governmental agencies such as the New Jersey Department of Education, New Jersey State Board of Education and the New Jersey Legislature. Attend SBOE Meetings.
Continue to work collaboratively with other library organizations such as the New Jersey Library Association to build advocacy campaign. Participate in advocacy work with Every Library.
Work with Advocacy Team, Public Relations, Professional Outreach Committee, and AASL State-Level Leader to develop a standard presentation featuring importance of school librarians and exemplary library programs that can be shared at stakeholder meetings.
Work with the Vice-President, Advocacy committee, Professional Outreach Chair, and NJLA Liaison to complete NJASL’s Advocacy Toolkit and develop a streamlined response to job loss reports. Include toolkit in the updated advocacy section of the NJASL Advocacy webpage:
Work with Social Media Chair and Bookmark Committee to post legislative reports and updates.
Tap into ALA Grassroots Specialist, Megan Cusick, NJLA stakeholders, and Every Library for partnerships in preventing job loss.
Gather letters and supporting documents from ALA President Julius C. Jefferson, Jr. and AASL President Kathy Carroll to send to school boards.