The New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) is the only statewide organization for school librarians in New Jersey. NJASL believes that every student in every New Jersey school deserves to be taught by a State certified full-time School Library Media Specialist supported by a resource-rich school library program. School librarians are essential partners in curriculum delivery and college and career readiness. They are leaders in the integration of technology, information and digital literacies, and the professional development for school staff.
NJASL offers strong support to school librarians through our conferences, workshops, meetings and online resources. We also collaborate with other statewide and national organizations to provide the most current resources and information to help school librarians and others, and we advocate for effective legislation that supports high standards in librarianship and library media programs in schools throughout the state.
Our comprehensive programs and initiatives focus on leadership, evaluation and advocacy tools that promote national technology, information and digital standards.
EBSCO | Infobase | Keyboard Consultants, Inc. | Kids Discover | LibraryLinkNJ |
Mackin | Media Flex OPALS | NJ State Library | Perma Bound Books | Rutgers SC&I |